  Herbs for Menopause
Usual Symptoms
  Hot Flashes
  Night Sweats
  Irregular Periods
  Loss of Libido
  Vaginal Dryness
  Crashing Fatigue
  Difficulty Concentrating
  Hair Loss
  Sleep Disorders
  Weight Gain
  Memory Lapses
  Mood Swings
Breast Tenderness
  Migraines & Headaches
Other Symptoms
  Natural Hormones
  Sexual Health Infertility
Causes of Infertility
  Introduction   Risk Factors
About Treatment
Read helpful information about Infertility for women

One of the hardest parts of receiving a diagnosis of infertility is identifying the cause. Infertility can be caused by male or female factors, or both, and in many cases, the exact cause of the infertility cannot be identified. Knowing the cause of the infertility, however, can be essential in order to take adequate steps to treating it. Keep reading to learn about some of the most common causes of female infertility.

Infertility Causes:

The most common cause of infertility in older women includes the following:

  • Hormonal: Inadequate levels of estrogen and progesterone levels will lessen fertility. Adequate levels of estrogen are necessary for ovulation, while progesterone is essential for preparing the uterus for pregnancy, and protects the pregnancy if an egg is fertilized. Without adequate levels of these hormones, women will have difficulty becoming pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term.

Certain medical conditions can also cause infertility in women, including:

  • Damage to the fallopian tubes: The fallopian tubes (which connect the ovaries and the uterus) can become inflamed and damaged, often as the result of sexually transmitted disease, resulting in decreased fertility.
  • Endometriosis: Endometriosis is a disease whereby the tissue that lines the uterus grows outside the uterus, often in areas such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes, thus inhibiting their activity and causing infertility.
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): PCOS is a condition where the body produces unusually elevated levels of testosterone and ovulation is irregular, even absent. Other side effects include hair loss, obesity, acne, insulin resistance and diabetes.

  • Other: Other possible causes of infertility include fibroids, the side effects of certain medications, cancer and cancer treatment, thyroid problems, diabetes, and even excess caffeine intake.

In addition to these causes of infertility, certain preventable lifestyle factors can increase a woman's risk for infertility. Keep reading to learn more about the risk factors for infertility. Infertility Risk Factors

Some causes of infertility are irreversible, but women can improve their chances for conception by making lifestyle changes and taking other steps to balance their hormonal levels. Keep reading to learn more about different treatment options for improving fertility.

  Infertility Risk Factors Infertility Risk Factors
Risk Factors

Improving fertility with MacaActive Supplements

Hormones play an essential role in both a woman's ability to become pregnant and to carry a pregnancy to term. After age 30, hormonal production in women begins to decline, thus decreasing fertility. As women begin to notice the symptoms of hormone deficiency, they may want to consider taking steps to stabilize their hormonal production.

Today, there are three effective ways to normalize hormonal levels: lifestyle changes, alternative medicine and drugs & surgery.

Estrogen Hormonal Imbalance treatments - Lifestyle changes

Lifestyle Changes: This first level of treatment involves no risk, but may be the hardest way to go because you'll have to restrict yourself from many things. That's why most people consider the next level of treatment, alternative medicine, which has proven to be excellent for treating menopausal symptoms in a safe and natural way.

Estrogen Hormonal Imbalance treatments - Alternative medicine

Alternative medicine: There are two types of herbal supplements for balancing hormone levels and decreasing the risk for infertility: those containing phytoestrogenic herbs, and those containing non-estrogenic herbs. Phytoestrogenic herbs (like Black Cohosh) are filled with phytoestrogens, which are similar to estrogens. They can increase low estrogen levels by replacing some of the missing estrogen hormones. This isn't the best solution, however, because your body will become less responsive to producing estrogen on its own, causing a further decrease in body-own hormone levels. Unlike phytoestrogenic herbs, non-estrogenic herbs don't contain estrogen, but they nourish the hormonal glands to work more efficiently. This ultimately results in balancing not only estrogen, but other necessary hormones, as well. Using non-estrogenic herbs is one of the safest and best ways to treat menopause symptoms naturally.

An excellent example of a safe and effective non-estrogenic herb for hormonal imbalance is herbal MacaActive. What makes MacaActive so special is its ability to balance hormonal levels in women by nourishing the hormonal glands. In this way, balances hormonal levels and improves fertility. 34 menopause symptoms to read more about MacaActive.

Infertility treatments - Drugs and Surgery

Drugs and Surgery: This level of treatment has the highest risk and often the highest cost. The most common drug therapy in the US is hormone replacement therapy (HRT). There's no doubt that this is the quickest and strongest way to combat hormonal imbalance. Unfortunately, it entails serious side effects and increases the risk of different types of cancer in women. If you still want to consider this approach, see your doctor to become better informed about what this treatment option involves.

A safe way for balancing hormones:
Non-estrogenic herbs are the most effective solution for treating hormonal imbalance and improving fertility.

MacaActive is an excellent non-estrogenic herb. It's simple: rather than putting hormones from the outside into your body artificially, MacaActive stimulates your hormone glands into producing the necessary hormones naturally. This is what makes MacaActive supplements so unique. 34 menopause symptoms to read all about MacaActive.