Primrose Oil as Remedy for Perimenopause Symptoms |
A common myth believed is that primrose oil helps alleviate the symptoms of perimenopause. Many believe it helps cure night sweats and hot flashes.
A study performed at the Keel University in New Staffordshire, Trent, went through 28 trial tests on women going through perimenopause. They gave them primrose oil extracts to see if primrose oil, which contains gamolenic acid, to observe if it really had any benefits in relieving hot flashes.
A study was conducted over a period of 17 months women were asked to record their accounts of their perimenopausal symptoms while on a primrose treatment while 18 of them were given a placebo. |
Over the trial period, women�s body temperatures were monitored and hot flush cases did not decrease for those on the primrose tablets. Some women on the primrose treatment also showed withdrawal symptoms of nausea, dyspepsia and diarrhea.
HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) is the most advertised and recommends solution to hot flashes and other symptoms of perimenopause. Yet, doctors forget that there are women who do not want to adhere to hormonal therapies and prefer a more calmer and natural approach. Many women fear the risks of hormonal therapy and there are those who have had previous illnesses that will not allow them to receive most HRT treatments.
Primrose oil does contain a very important fatty acid called linoleic acid which can be found in a variety of foods. It can be found in most plant seeds and has virtually no saturated fat in it. Primrose solutions can be healthy, but as the study conducted it had no proof of alleviating hot flashes.
Study therefore had shown that there is no conclusive evidence of primrose formulas relieving hot flash symptoms.
By Natural-Progesterone-Estrogen-Supplements.com
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