Loss of libido (significantly decreased sexual desire) is often experienced during menopause, and can be a considerable strain on a woman's relationship with her partner. Fortunately, several options exist to help women boost their libido. Keep reading to learn more about the symptoms, causes, and treatments for loss of libido.
Loss of Libido - Brief Explanation
Loss of libido is defined as "persistently low sexual desire resulting in distress or relationship dysfunction, where lack of desire is not due to another condition or circumstance." Loss of libido is diagnosed when a woman is unable to respond to any sexual stimuli. Loss of libido is especially prevalent in menopausal women.
Loss of Libido - Causes
During menopause, hormonal changes can trigger loss of libido. During this transition activity of the hormonal glands decreases and testosterone levels diminish considerably. Without adequate levels of testosterone, women no longer have the same level of sexual thoughts, desire, or arousal from sexual stimulation as they did before. Other physical and psychological conditions can also contribute to loss of libido.
Loss of Libido - Risk Factors
Menopausal women experiencing declining estrogen and testosterone levels will be more sensitive to other factors that may trigger loss of libido, such as stress, medical conditions, or depression. Several issues can contribute to loss of libido, particularly surgical menopause, which causes more sudden drops in hormonal levels than natural menopause. |
Loss of Libido - Treatments
Menopause does not have to signal the end of healthy sexual activity. A range of treatment options are available
Testosterone Patch may Alleviate Low Libido |
Loss of libido in women is often linked to decreased levels of testosterone hormones. The ovaries and adrenal glands produce 50% of testosterone, but during menopause this production decreases dramatically, leading to reduced sexual activity and desire in menopausal women. |
for women who want to regain the healthy libido they had before menopause. It is essential to find the right treatment option for each woman's specific needs, however.
Loss of libido may seem inevitable, but there are different treatment options that can bring relief. Keep reading the section below to learn about the most effective treatments for menopause-related loss of libido, including lifestyle changes, alternative treatments, and medical procedures.
Treatment for Loss of Libido
with MacaActive Supplements |
As you have already read, loss of libido are mainly brought on by falling estrogen hormone levels, which is a natural part of aging. If you want to get rid of this undesirable symptom, you must restore estrogen hormones to normal levels.
Today, there are three effective ways to normalize hormonal levels: lifestyle changes, alternative medicine and drugs & surgery.
Lifestyle Changes: This first level of treatment involves no risk, but may be the hardest way to go because you'll have to restrict yourself from many things. That's why most people consider the next level of treatment, alternative medicine, which has proven to be excellent for treating loss of libido in a safe and natural way.
Alternative medicine: There are two types of herbal supplements for treating loss of libido: those containing phytoestrogenic herbs, and those containing non-estrogenic herbs. Phytoestrogenic herbs (like Black Cohosh) are filled with phytoestrogens, which are similar to estrogens. They can increase low estrogen levels by replacing some of the missing estrogen hormones. This isn't the best solution, however, because your body will become less responsive to producing estrogen on its own, causing a further decrease in body-own hormone levels. Unlike phytoestrogenic herbs, non-estrogenic herbs don't contain estrogen, but they nourish the hormonal glands to work more efficiently. This ultimately results in balancing not only estrogen, but other necessary hormones, as well. Using non-estrogenic herbs is one of the safest and best ways to treat loss of libido naturally.
An excellent example of a safe and effective non-estrogenic herb for hormonal imbalance is herbal MacaActive. What makes MacaActive so special is its ability to balance hormonal levels in women by nourishing the hormonal glands. In this way, it alleviates most disorders related to hormonal imbalance, including loss of libido. to read more about MacaActive.
Drugs and Surgery: This level of treatment has the highest risk and often the highest cost. The most common drug therapy for treating loss of libido in the US is hormone replacement therapy (HRT). There's no doubt that this is the quickest and strongest way to combat hormonal imbalance. Unfortunately, it entails serious side effects and increases the risk of different types of cancer in women. If you still want to consider this approach, see your doctor to become better informed about what this treatment option involves.
A safe way for balancing hormones:
Non-estrogenic herbs are the most effective solution for treating hormonal imbalance and its related symptom, loss of libido.
MacaActive is an excellent non-estrogenic herb. It's simple: rather than putting hormones from the outside into your body artificially, MacaActive stimulates your hormone glands into producing the necessary hormones naturally. This is what makes MacaActive supplements so unique. to read all about MacaActive. |
Marcia Jones & Theresa Eichenwald. "Menopause for Dummies"
Judith Reichman. "I'm Not in the Mood: What Every Woman Should Know About Improving Her Libido"
Michael D. Lemonick. "The Chemistry of Desire", Time Magazine
Sheldon J. Segal, Luigi Mastroianni. "Hormone Use in Menopause and Male Andropause: A Choice for Women and Men"
T. S. Wiley, Bent Formby, Bent Formby & Julie Taguchi. "Sex, Lies, and Menopause: The Shocking Truth About Synthetic Hormones and the Benefits of Natural Alternatives"
Pamela Smith. "When Your Hormones Go Haywire: Solutions for Women over 40" |